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Protect dependency installation process with allow-scripts

@lavamoat/allow-scripts is a CLI tool for instructing your package manager to execute only the dependency lifecycle hooks specified in an allowlist.



  • npm: npm i -D @lavamoat/allow-scripts
  • Yarn: yarn add -D @lavamoat/allow-scripts

Note that installation of the dependency is likely to cause your other dependencies to be installed. You could install @lavamoat/allow-scripts globally and use it to set up a project without triggering installing dependencies before the setup and the allowlist is in place.



The setup command will initialize your project for use with @lavamoat/allow-scripts.

  • npm: npm exec allow-scripts setup
  • Yarn: yarn allow-scripts setup


Configuration can be done automatically or manually.

Automatic Allow-listing

The auto command will generate and write a configuration to the lavamoat property of package.json.

  • npm: npm exec allow-scripts auto
  • Yarn: yarn allow-scripts auto

Manual Allow-listing

@lavamoat/allow-scripts’s configuration is stored in the lavamoat property of package.json within its allowScripts property.

The value is of type Record<PackageName, boolean> where PackageName is a dependency which is either allowed or disallowed to run lifecycle scripts. To allow script execution, use a value of true; to disallow, use a value of false. Items missing from the list will cause a warnings so that you know when you might need to add a newly installed item to the list.

Example Configuration

"lavamoat": {
"allowScripts": {
"keccak": true,
"core-js": false

Running Lifecycle Scripts

When invoked without a command (or with the run command), allow-scripts will execute all lifecycle scripts for the packages specified in @lavamoat/allow-scripts’s configuration:

  • npm: npm exec allow-scripts run
  • Yarn: yarn allow-scripts run

allow-scripts will fail if it detects dependencies attempting to run scripts which haven’t yet been configured; you will be advised to run allow-scripts auto to rectify the situation.

Yarn plugin

To comfortably work with Yarn Berry (specifically yarn v3 or above) it’s recommended that you use a simple plugin to execute allow-scripts after installation.

Yarn plugins are installed via public URLs.

Terminal window
yarn plugin import

Show Configured Packages

Use the list command to print information about configured packages and scripts, specifying allowed and disallowed packages.

  • npm: npm exec allow-scripts list
  • Yarn: yarn allow-scripts list

Usage Tips

Consider adding a setup lifecycle script for all your post-install steps. This can be just a regular script (no magic needed!). Also, it is a good place to add other post-processing commands you want to use.

In the future, when you add additional post-processing scripts, e.g. husky, you can add them to this setup script.

Example setup script
"scripts": {
"setup": "npm install && npm exec allow-scripts && tsc -b"

Mitigating bin script confusion

Bin script confusion is a shell injection attack (wiki) where a dependency causes a malicious script to run by declaring a bin script (in package.json) matching an executable in the user’s PATH. ignore-scripts does not protect against this attack.

To enable protection against bin script confusion, use the --experimental-bins flag when executing allow-scripts.

What does --experimental-bins do?

  • allow-scripts setup will add a new configuration option to your project’s package manager RC file (.npmrc/.yarnrc) to disable automatic linking bin scripts
  • allow-scripts auto will generate an allowlist of bin scripts allowed for execution
  • allow-scripts run will link only the allowed scripts and replace disallowed scripts with a trivial executable that exits with a non-zero exit code.

When a disallowed bin script is attempted to be executed, the command will fail with an error providing guidance.