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Contributor's Guide

Code of Conduct

This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the LavaMoat Code of Conduct.

By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to

I Have a Question

Before you ask:

  1. Ensure you’ve read the documentation and especially the FAQ.
  2. Search for existing Issues to see if someone else has already asked the same question.

Still got a question? Feel free to ask in LavaMoat’s issue tracker;

I Found a Bug

Not surprising! But slow down. Before you submit a bug report, please read the following guidelines.

Before Submitting a Bug Report

  • Make sure that you are using the latest version of LavaMoat.
  • Search for existing Issues to see if the bug is known.

If you can’t find an existing issue—or the issue is still reproducible using the latest LavaMoat—then you should submit a bug report!

Submitting a Bug Report

  • Open an Issue.
  • Describe the problem you’re seeing.
  • Explain the expected behavior compared to the actual behavior.
  • Provide a minimal, complete, and verifiable example. If you can’t, get as close as you can!
  • Provide platform information:
    • Operating System: (e.g. macOS, Windows, Linux)
    • Node.js version: (e.g. 18.0.0)
    • Package manager & version: (e.g. npm 10.x, yarn)
    • Any other relevant software versions

Keep an eye on your notifications, as maintainers may ask for more information.

Thanks for helping us improve LavaMoat!

I Have An Idea For a New Feature

This section guides you through submitting an enhancement suggestion for LavaMoat, including completely new features or minor improvements to existing functionality.

Before Submitting an Enhancement Suggestion

  • Ensure your idea fits within LavaMoat’s scope.
  • Could it be an add-on? Ask yourself if the idea would be better suited as a standalone project which enhances LavaMoat.
  • Ensure that you are using the latest version of LavaMoat.
  • Search for existing issues with the enhancement label
  • Ensure the enhancement hasn’t already been implemented. 😆

Submitting an Enhancement Suggestion

Enhancement suggestions are tracked in GitHub.

  • Use a clear and descriptive title for the issue to identify the suggestion.
  • Describe the use-case. Who is this for? What problem does it solve?
  • Provide a step-by-step description of the suggested enhancement in as many details as possible.
  • Avoid prescribing implementation details; those can be discussed in a future pull request.

I Want To Contribute Code

Development Environment

This section describes how to configure your development environment to hack on LavaMoat.


LavaMoat can comfortably be developed using Linux, macOS, or Windows (but we recommend using WSL on Windows).


LavaMoat is distributed as a Node.js command-line tool. You’ll want to install the latest LTS version (see the Node.js release schedule for more information).


LavaMoat uses npm for package management. You should be using the latest version of npm which will run on your version of Node.js.


You can use any editor you like. We recommend something that understands TypeScript.

Fork, Clone, Install, Setup

  1. Fork LavaMoat/LavaMoat

  2. Clone your fork to your local machine:

    git clone
  3. Navigate to the LavaMoat directory and run npm install.

  4. Run npm run setup to build the project and install Git hooks.

  5. To work with upstream changes, add a new Git remote to your working copy:

    git remote add upstream

Working with Code

The process of submitting a pull request follows this pattern:

  1. Create a new branch
  2. Make your changes
  3. Rebase onto upstream
  4. Run the tests
  5. Double check your submission
  6. Push your changes
  7. Submit the pull request

Details about each step are found below.

Step 1: Create a new branch

The first step to sending a pull request is to create a new branch in your ESLint fork. Give the branch a descriptive name that describes what it is you’re fixing, such as:

Terminal window
git checkout -b issue1234

You should do all of your development for the issue in this branch.

Note: Do not combine fixes for multiple issues into one branch. Use a separate branch for each issue you’re working on.

Step 2: Make your changes

Make the changes to the code and tests, following the code conventions as you go. Once you have finished, commit the changes to your branch:

Terminal window
git add -A
git commit

LavaMoat follows the Conventional Commits convention for commit messages, which helps automate the release workflow. Here’s an example commit message:

tag: Short description of what you did
Longer description here if necessary
Fixes #1234

The first line of the commit message (the summary) must have a specific format. This format is checked by Git hook and CI.

The tag is one of the following:

  • fix - for a bug fix.
  • feat - either for a backwards-compatible enhancement or for a rule change that adds reported problems.
  • fix! - for a backwards-incompatible bug fix.
  • feat! - for a backwards-incompatible enhancement or feature.
  • docs - changes to documentation only.
  • chore - for changes that aren’t user-facing.

The scope (in parentheses) is typically the directory name relative to packages/ of the affected package (workspace). For example:

chore(webpack): frobnicate the widget

If multiple projects are affected, separate them by commas:

fix(core,node): fix a bug in lavamoat-core and lavamoat-node

If the change affects all projects, omit the scope entirely:

chore: update keywords in package.json files

The message summary should be a one-sentence description of the change. If the pull request addresses an issue, then the issue number should be mentioned in the body of the commit message in the format Fixes #1234. If the commit doesn’t completely fix the issue, then use Refs #1234 instead of Fixes #1234.

Here are some good commit message summary examples:

feat!(core): added default behavior
fix: semicolons no longer breaking everything
chore(webpack): upgrade to browserify v5

Step 3: Rebase onto upstream

Before you send the pull request, be sure to rebase onto the upstream source. This ensures your code is running on the latest available code.

Terminal window
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/main

Step 4: Run the tests

After rebasing, be sure to run all of the tests once again to make sure nothing broke:

Terminal window
npm test

If there are any failing tests, update your code until all tests pass.

If you forgot to write tests, now would be a good time to add them!

Step 5: Double check your submission

With your code ready to go, this is a good time to double-check your submission to make sure it follows our conventions. Here are the things to check:

  • The commit message is properly formatted.
  • The change introduces no functional regression. Be sure to run npm test to verify your changes before submitting a pull request.
  • Make separate pull requests for unrelated changes. Large pull requests with multiple unrelated changes may be closed without merging.
  • All changes must be accompanied by tests, even if the feature you’re working on previously had no tests.
  • All user-facing changes must be accompanied by appropriate documentation.

Step 6: Push your changes

Next, push your changes to your clone:

Terminal window
git push origin issue1234

If you are unable to push because some references are old, force-push instead:

Terminal window
git push -f origin issue1234

Step 7: Send the pull request

Now you’re ready to send the pull request. Go to your Lav aMoat fork and then follow the GitHub documentation on how to send a pull request.

The pull request title is autogenerated from the summary of the first commit, but it can be edited before the pull request is submitted.

The description of a pull request should explain what you did and how its effects can be seen.

Following Up

Once your pull request is sent, it’s time for the team to review it. As such, please make sure to:

  1. Monitor the status of the GitHub Actions CI build for your pull request. If it fails, please investigate why; the CI build must pass before your pull request can be merged.
  2. Respond to comments left on the pull request from LavaMoat maintainers. Remember, we want to help you land your code, so please be receptive to our feedback.
  3. We may ask you to make changes, rebase, or squash your commits.

Updating the Pull Request Title

If your pull request title is in the incorrect format, you’ll be asked to update it. You can do so via the GitHub user interface.

Updating the Code

If we ask you to make code changes, there’s no need to close the pull request and create a new one. Make your changes in your working copy’s branch, commit them, then push:

Terminal window
git add -A
git commit
git push origin issue1234

When updating the code, it’s usually better to add additional commits to your branch rather than amending the original commit, because reviewers can easily tell which changes were made in response to a particular review. A LavaMoat maintainer may choose to squash or rebase your commit manually prior to merging it.

The commit messages in subsequent commits do not need to be in any specific format because these commits do not show up in the changelog.


If your code is out-of-date, we might ask you to rebase. That means we want you to apply your changes on top of the latest upstream code. Rebase using these commands:

Terminal window
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/main

You might find that there are conflicts when you attempt to rebase. Please resolve the conflicts and then force-push to your branch:

Terminal window
git push origin issue1234 -f

Thank You

The LavaMoat team thanks you for contributing! “You’re welcome” is appreciated, but not necessary. 😄